佐々木 貞夫
Sadao Sasaki
米国NY のパーソンズ・スクール・オブ・デザイン卒業後、株式会社ファイブフォックスにてデザイナーとしてキャリアをスタート。
その後、株式会社メルローズ、株式会社バロックジャパンリミテッド、合同会社西友(ウォルマート)でブランド運営、商品開発・デザイン、MD 数値設計及び分析、マーケティング業務を歴任。
2013 年より米国トミーバハマの日本進出を手掛け、コーポレート機能の設立に携わる。
2017 年より同社日本支社長歴任。
トミーバハマの日本撤退に伴い、2020 年よりフリーランスとなり、学校法人文化学園、株式会社オクトフォースマネジメントに参画。
2021 年より、THERIST 株式会社設立、同社CEO・代表取締役就任。
" 不完全" ではなく、面白い、と捉えて欲しいと本人は思っている。
米国パーソンズ・スクール・オブ・デザイン ファッションデザイン学科卒業
After graduating from Parsons School of Design in New York, USA, he started his career as a designer at Five Fox Co., Ltd.
A fter that, he was in charge of brand management, product development / design, MD numerical design and analysis, and marketing at Melrose Co., Ltd., Baroque Japan Limited Co., Ltd., and Seiyu GK (Wal-Mart).
Since 2013, he has been involved in the establishment of corporate functions by working on the expansion of Tommy Bahama in the United States into Japan.
Localizing around the development of Japanese original products, he led the business at that time, which was a turbulent period for foreign apparel.
Since 2017, became a country manager of Japan.
With the withdrawal of Tommy Bahama from Japan, he became a freelancer from 2020, and participated in the school corporation BunkaGakuen and Octoforce Management Co., Ltd.
From 2021, THERIST Co., Ltd. was established and became CEO and representative director of the company.
The right half of his body is the designer and the left half is the manager.
He thinks it is "interesting" rather than "incomplete".
Executive Officer of Octoforce Management, General Manager of Brand Marketing Department
Part-time lecturer at Bunka Fashion College
Graduated from Parsons School of Design, Department of Fashion Design, USA